Moving on from the magical land of Kodiak.

I’m back in the good ole lower 48 again which is best described as bittersweet. It’s difficult for me to verbalize how incredible Alaska was. Everyone keeps saying, “Welcome home! How was your… Continue reading

Hanging with the locals

So last week I worked with the pre-school kids and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Pre-schoolers are dolls. They have yet to make it to the point of bratty-ness that often inflicts older kids… Continue reading

Getting vacuum-sealed inside a tent.

  In my last post I talked about backpacking up a mountain and camping out on top of it. Well, I forgot to mention a very important part of that story. So here’s… Continue reading

Mountains and Valleys

So many exciting things have been happening since my last post! A couple weekends ago I had the opportunity to go to the native Alutiq village of Ouzinkie, Alaska located on Spruce Island.… Continue reading

Biting heads off of fish and learning to not bite heads off of children.

We are in our second week of Island Summer Adventures here at Kodiak Baptist Mission and I’m still getting used to things. Last week I helped teach pottery camp with the 3rd and… Continue reading

I’ve really only been here 4 days??

It sounds kind of negative but I feel like I have been in Kodiak FOREVER and I mean that in the best way possible. I love it here. It already feels like a… Continue reading

Can you tell I’m excited?

Whenever the end of the semester rolls around I start getting the craft bug. All I want to do is troll around Pinterest and make Hobby Lobby shopping lists. My crafts this time… Continue reading

Great Alaskan Odyssey

The book “Into the Wild” chronicles the life and adventures of Christopher McCandless. McCandless was born into an upper middle class family and grew up in Washington, D.C. Having no desire to succumb… Continue reading

I’m going off the grid.

What does it mean to be off the grid? For most, images of hermits living alone in the wild with only their books to keep them company may come to mind. It evokes… Continue reading